Don't Believe the Hype: Cards That Might Not Live Up to Expectations

Posted on July 12, 2024

Quick Overview

#1 | Emrakul, The World Anew

#2 |Tamiyo, Inquisitive Student/Tamiyo, Seasoned Scholar

#3 | Flare of Denial

#4 | Nethergoyf

#5 | Ocelot Pride

With the Modern Horizons 3 Prerelease happening, excitement is high. However, some cards are getting more praise than they deserve. Here are the five most overrated cards in Modern Horizons 3, focusing on both their gameplay and value.

#5 | Emrakul, The World Anew

Emrakul's third form has created a lot of buzz, but it's overpriced. Casting it is tough, requiring either 12 generic mana or six colorless mana via Madness. These costs are hard to manage in Modern, limiting Emrakul’s playability to niche decks like Mono-Green Tron, which isn't a strong meta choice. Emrakul will be great in Commander, but not in Modern.

#4 | Tamiyo, Inquisitive Student/Tamiyo, Seasoned Scholar

Tamiyo’s creature side is decent, offering blocking and Clue generation. However, flipping her to a planeswalker is difficult in Modern, where Brainstorm isn’t available to help. Even once flipped, her abilities are underwhelming. The ultimate is powerful but takes too long to activate. Tamiyo’s current high price likely won’t last.

#3 | Flare of Denial

The blue member of the new Flare cycle is overhyped. Requiring the sacrifice of a nontoken blue creature to cast for free is a significant drawback. Few blue creatures are played in Modern’s top decks, and those that are often don’t synergize well with Flare of Denial. This card is unlikely to see much play.

#2 | Nethergoyf

Nethergoyf, often compared to Tarmogoyf, only counts your graveyard, making it less effective. Building up its stats is harder, and it lacks the additional abilities that make other cheap creatures in Modern more valuable. Nethergoyf is just a big body that dies easily to removal, making it a poor choice in the current meta.

#1 | Ocelot Pride

Ocelot Pride is a one-drop with high expectations but falls short. It requires life gain to be more than a 1/1 First Strike Lifelink, and it's one toughness makes it vulnerable to removal. The card fits best in a token deck, which isn’t viable in Modern. Ocelot Pride’s high price is unjustified given its limited impact.

These five cards are currently overrated, and their prices and perceived value may drop as the meta evolves. Save your resources for more impactful cards in Modern Horizons 3.